Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am JCBlondie. Oldest of three. Child of Bible Thumpers. Sheltered till high school. Incredibly Smart. Never learned to make friends, just grew up with the same people surrounding me. Engaged, and dumped multiple times. Then I left my childhood home for the Air Force. Little did I know how drastically my life would change in the few years to come. By the way, JCBlondie is a pen name I came up with in early middle school and just stuck with me always, it means Jesus Christ's Blondie. Yes, I am blonde... very blonde.
I am now wife and mother of two. My husband and in-laws have opened my eyes to a way of life I could only dream about; truly respecting one another and loving & accepting everyone no matter what. No ill will, no disgust, no malice or hidden anger. They are truly 'hate the sin, not the sinner' and it is heaven.
My family is different. What they say is not necessarily what they mean (cross out necessarily). Many things said as comedy are truly insults. No disagreements or be labeled rude and disrespectful. Be wary of the consequences of all actions, think ahead...WAY ahead, for anything that could maybe possibly be taken wrong. But no matter what, in the end, someone has been angered and is about to explode. I was constantly looking for these instances and trying to put them out while growing up. I failed miserably.
As an adult, with my own look on faith, love, and family...I am choosing to not put up with the crap from my family. Right or wrong, I dont know. But it's a work in progress...As we all know, Life Goes On.